Stickman Sam DVD with Gimmick

Stickman Sam DVD with Gimmick

Product ID: 1937

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The stickman jumps from card to card! ANY playing card is freely selected and signed on the face.

You visibly draw a large stickman on the back of any card, you really do draw the stickman.

The stickman jumps off the back of the card onto another card several times.

The stickman is cut to the centre of the deck only to jump back up to the top.

Without cover, the stickman VISUALLY jumps off the top card and dives down into the deck.

The deck is spread and Sam the Stickman is on the back of a card in the centre of the deck. This is their signed selected card!

Great fun for all ages!

Comes complete with instructional DVD and precision-made Gimmick in bicycle.

Only £12.75

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