Vernet Sixth Finger - normal

Vernet Sixth Finger - normal
Product ID: 2690
Vernet has undoubtedly become the main False Finger manufacturer all over the world. Its popularity have even made brand and product synonyms.
The Sixth Finger is a practical and useful gimmick as well as being a great comedy gag as well both with the growing finger trick and counting your fingers and then throwing one away.
Tradition has always been to show your hands empty by pointing the tips of the fingers towards the audience, but with this practical Vernet model you can show your hands empty both sides, palm and back without the extra finger being spotted.
With the extra finger you can both produce and vanish items such as silks, ribbons, salt, paper, banknotes and even water.
Borrow a banknote and fold it and then produce a silk or even a second banknote from its folds.
Buy two Sixth Fingers and produce silks from your shown empty hands one after the other.
You will soon invent many other effects with this extra finger, which comes complete with a routine and instructions for use by Vernet. You will wonder what you ever did without it!
Sold at a Mr E low, low price:
Only £2.99