Cloth Drooping Bouquet (2 flowers) + 10 Exclusive Routines -Odd Bin
Cloth Drooping Bouquet (2 flowers) + 10 Exclusive Routines -Odd Bin
Product ID: 2764
1 in stock. A special version of the ever-popular Wilting Flower or Drooping Flower. However, in this version the magician holds a bouquet of TWO flowers instead of just one!
You hold what looks like a bouquet of pretty flowers saying that the flowers are magical and never need water to keep them healthy.
You tell the children to show how the flowers droop down if they are not watered properly so the children all hang their heads as an example of a wilting flower.
As you are talking, the children notice the flowers split and droop down mysteriously but you don't notice! Naturally the children bring the wilting flowers to your attention.
However, to the children's surprise, the flowers instantly return to their upright position! You ask the children what happened to the flowers. The children explain, and at that moment the flowers begin to wilt again!
Once the magician notices the flowers wilting the children shout the magic word and the flowers return to their former glory!
This is a charming effect in the hands of the right performer!
Comes with the special Cloth Drooping Bouquet (approx 12", 30.5cm long) & a copy of our exclusive manuscript of 10 routines with a Wilting Flower. 1 in stock.
Only £9.99