One Step Beyond

One Step Beyond

Product ID: 2859

An incredible Stand-Up Card trick with a fantastic climax!

Pattering about card tricks you offer to go, “One step beyond with an out of this world card effect” and request the help of two spectators from your audience.

You show them two small packets of playing cards and place these separately on the table allowing the lady to freely select her pile, the other pile becomes the gentleman's pile.

Both participants simply think of a number which they then reveal, let us say they are numbers twenty-one and fourteen, and in each case using a form of Numerology, the card at both numbers are counted to and revealed -

Incredibly both have chosen the very same card from their pile, let’s say they have both chosen the Ten of Clubs, you repeat your claim of having gone, “One step beyond!” what any other wonder-worker would have done.

Your participants and the rest of your audience have doubts, as you haven’t at any point shown the faces of the two piles of cards, some doubting Thomas demands to see them all, accusing you of using cards of all of the same suit & value.

Your two participants are instructed to spread both packets individually faces to the audience - the result is a totally unexpected climax and you really do appear to have gone one step beyond with incredible results!

Very easy to do. Everything can be examined at the finish.

The method employed is one that was used extensively by the late, great Al Koran in cabaret and TV shows.

Comes complete with special Bicycle playing cards & instructions.

Only £14.99

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