Dream Jobs - Table-hopping size
Dream Jobs - Table-hopping size
Product ID: 3340
Who hasn’t as a child dreamt of having a dream job when they grow up? It is on this concept that we created Dream Jobs.
You display nine different laminated pictures of the type of jobs children might dream of having in their adult life. The pictures are freely mixed by a spectator and then each is clearly displayed so that a volunteer merely thinks of any one of them (no force).
Using your “special powers” or utilising psychological influences (as you prefer) you are able to correctly reveal their mentally chosen job to everyone’s complete astonishment!
Nothing else is used save the nine full-colour laminated job picture cards that are not marked or gimmicked in any way and so can be thoroughly examined both before and after your effect. Being laminated they will give you many years of trouble-free performances.
Furthermore, the secret is most subtle, and the effect is practically self-working; it will even fool other magicians. No sleights or forces and no extra cards are involved.
Dream Jobs has instant appeal to all age groups, an effective low-cost practical effect that is perfect for close-up work, table-hopping, television, cabaret or stage and similar events as no set-up of any kind is required; simply take the cards from your pocket or wallet allowing them to be examined, shuffled, or mixed face down and you are all ready to perform this enthralling mystery.
Comes complete with instructions and job picture cards available in Table-hopping size.
Only £12.99