Comedy Giant Rat - Odd bin item - Sale item
Comedy Giant Rat - Odd bin item - Sale item
Product ID: 3751
1 in stock. This crinkling stuffed giant rat, or mouse if you prefer, will bring screams, laughter & amusement no matter if you are entertaining children or adults.
With his soft grey fur and long suede-look tail, he will appear to be alive when he scampers up your body onto your shoulder, running inside your jacket and leaping out towards your audience only the be restrained by your holding firmly onto his tail!
You can produce him from a basket, box, dove pan or any production item that you already own – making out that he has bitten your finger as he excitedly jumps here, there and everywhere as you try to control him.
Or pop him for safety into a vanishing prop, firing a toy gun and making him disappear without trace! You will soon be coming up with ideas of your own.
His sudden scurrying appearance will bring great hilarity and excitement into your show.
Instructions are given on how to effectively animate him, so he’ll be a certain hit whether you use this cute comedy prop for close-up or stage.
Comes complete with soft grey rat (approx 11” x 4” with 9.5” long tail) & instructions. 1 in stock
Only £7.99