Apples & Pears - Jumbo Size
Apples & Pears - Jumbo Size
Product ID: 3895
A perfect comedy effect with a completely unexpected twist. I came up with this idea when I was considering what I could perform over Zoom during the 2020 Coronavirus lockdown.
You show three laminated cards each of which has a picture of a red sock upon it, you then offer to demonstrate your skilful sleight of hand magic, so you hold all three cards faces down in your left hand and quickly move your hands apart each hand containing cards with two of the cards in your left hand and the odd one in your right hand.
You ask the audience, “Which hand, left or right, contains the pair?” But your expert sleight of hand must be getting a little rusty as everyone confidently calls out, “The pair is inside your lefthand"
Now the magic really kicks in when you show that the two cards in your left hand actually each have pictures of APPLES on them as you quip, “No these are not the pears – they are apples, the pear is over here!” as you now turn over the single card in your right hand to reveal it is indeed a picture of a tasty looking pear!
Mouths will drop open as your audience realise that they have been well and truly fooled giving you due credit for your skilful sleight of hand.
Only three ordinary laminated picture cards are used, no half-cards or extras, no rough & smooth, no pocket cards and no skill required – except the skill of presentation.
Comes complete with picture cards in the size of your choice semi-jumbo, Jumbo or Giant.
Only £9.99