Eight-Card Surprise with table-hopping pro size cards
Eight-Card Surprise with table-hopping pro size cards
Product ID: 4136
You place a gift bag or box on display explaining that it contains a prize, then have a member of your audience mix eight table-hopping pro sized picture cards. They then eliminate seven cards with a “love count”.
The remaining card is the secret magical surprise card and they have won the special gift inside the bag, this can be chocolate or balloons to make a balloon animal which is given to your volunteer as a reward for helping with your magic.
When the seven discarded cards are turned face upwards, amazingly they are all blank cards as you explain, “I knew which prize she would win, so didn’t bother with any more prize cards!”
We also include an extra word card as an alternative that doesn’t require you to give away a magic surprise gift.
When you purchase this marvellous item, you will learn how to force one card from eight in a clever manner that can be used in many other ways. This is also a delightful way to give someone a present at Christmas, birthdays and so on.
Comes with laminated picture cards (approx 4.75 x 3.5”, 12 x 9cms) & instructions. Use your own gift bag and prizes.
Only £9.99