Siamese Book Test booklet
Siamese Book Test booklet
Product ID: 4209
Joe Riding wrote: The Siamese Book Test is a very easy but very convincing book test, the strong part of it being is that it is completely visual and can be used on the largest stage.
I feel that most book tests suffer from the fact that usually the audience must rely on one spectator confirming that what the performer has written or revealed in some other way is correct.
In my opinion this is not a very satisfactory finish, it leaves the audience with too much doubt in their minds as to just what has happened.
This method that I have devised does not completely eliminate this factor, but because it is so very visual, and you are using two participants, it does have a much bigger impact on the audience.
Also, you finish up with two spectators on the stage, ready to help you with your next effect, which helps to make your act look more professional.
Then again you involve a few more spectators during the course of the effect which I feel makes it much better.
The requirements are only ordinary items that you will find around your house, use any book.
Everything is revealed in this fascinating exclusive 12-page booklet.
Only £9.99