Matching Half Classic Pictures - table-hopping size
Matching Half Classic Pictures - table-hopping size
Product ID: 4267
This is truly different with that extra touch of class for your close-up and table-hopping shows.
Using copies of four famous paintings such as the Mona Lisa, The Scream and two other classics each of which has been cut into halves making a total of eight pieces, you show that the half-pictures are mixed so that none of the halves match their mate. The halves are gathered into one pile, clearly shown still in their assorted condition.
A magic word and when you lay the halves out again, it is seen that each half has magically matched together with its other half, so you now have four complete pictures!
Please note this is not a spelling trick. The pictures are not faked or gimmicked in any way, apart from being cut into halves. Thus, you can have them examined both before and after this stunning effect. No double-faces or double-backs are used.
Ideal for walkabout, close-up and dinner parties, it has been well-received by family groups and small children alike. Easy to do requiring just a little handling practice. Can be learned in twenty minutes, resets in a moment with no fakes to hide or worry about. Don’t be put off with the low price. This is something you can and will use.
Comes with four laminated prints of classic well-known paintings cut into halves & instructions.
Only £9.99