Tale of a Rabbit - Table-hopping size
Tale of a Rabbit - Table-hopping size
Product ID: 4272
A cute effect to feature in your show, rabbits are popular with all ages.
A small child is given a paper bag to hold, and you show some colourful pictures of a Rabbit together with some other pictures of Top Hats.
You turn the Rabbit picture face down and give it to a second child to hold in full view, explaining that the Rabbit will vanish and reappear inside the paper bag held by the first child.
The audience say your magic words and the child turns the Rabbit picture to the front, but something has gone wrong; the Rabbit is no longer in the picture, a Top Hat has taken his place. Furthermore, the bag is completely empty. “Where can he be?” You show you are only holding the extra Top Hat pictures – the Rabbit cannot be found.
Suddenly the audience are shouting and pointing to draw your attention that the Rabbit is cheekily bobbing up and down among the spare Hat pictures you hold.
You can now repeat the above sequence again it’s great fun, and then yet again, but on the last vanish of the Rabbit, he reappears in a totally unexpected manner elsewhere in the room, or on your back, or the back of one of the participating children! Very easy to do.
Comes with instructions & laminated picture cards in Table-hopping size for close-up.
Only £9.99