Devil & His Vampires

Devil & His Vampires

Product ID: 4370

There’s a Devil of a war going on in Hell.

Your written prediction is left in the full view of the audience and never touched by you from that moment on. You then show several laminated picture cards some of which have large Devil Faces on them and the others have female Vampire faces, these are mixed together as one packet and thoroughly shuffled by any member of your audience.

Two spectators are now nominated to represent the Evil war of power between the Devils & the Vampires taking place in Hell. Two evil representatives are chosen from your audience one will be the Devil’s representative and the other the Vampire’s representative.

The shuffled cards are dealt by any spectator, and each participant checks for their chosen pictures amongst the cards they are freely dealt by chance; the results indicating which of the two has won.

Your prediction is now opened by anyone and read out loud, it exactly predicts the results of the winner of this evil war!

The outcomes can be varied for repeat bookings or to suit any particular event.

No skill save that of presentation is required as the effect is practically self-working. You could even post the prediction to the Chairman of the event days prior to your performance. Perform anywhere, no skill required.

Comes with twenty-four laminated picture cards (approx 4” x 2.25”, 10cm x 6cm) & instructions.

Only £14.99

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