Product ID: 4404

A laughter-filled professional comedy routine that you really will enjoy performing and do so often. Perfect for cabaret and stage shows.

Based on Billy McCombe’s McCombical Prediction, Eddie has developed a new and easier way to perform this unbeatable classic without using sleights, roughing fluid, sticky stuff etc and using ordinary poker or jumbo playing cards.
Explaining to a spectator that he must make a random choice from a stack of playing cards, which you hold up for the audience to see but not the volunteer.

He is unaware that these are all duplicates of the same playing card. (Let’s say for example all Ace of Spades.) The audience laughs as it realises that you are about to con your hapless volunteer. You place one card as your prediction in full view.

As you display the individual cards to the audience you miscall them, saying one is an the Six of Clubs, another is the Queen of Spades, and so on, the gentleman chooses one.
Following some further fun when he shows his card to the audience, they realise that something has gone wrong and you, the magician, have made a mistake.
Your prediction card however proves to be absolutely correct and the whole audience realise that they have been led up the garden path! A great magical laughter finish for all concerned. This is a really great comedy routine that is also very easy to do. No rough & smooth. Easy to do.

Comes complete with Poker, Jumbo or Giant sized playing cards as you choose & instructions and an alternative routine suggestion.

Order the GIANT SIZE here

Only £24.99

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